Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Editorials on Making Indiana Smokefree

In response to HB 1018, the smokefree air bill, not being heard in the Senate Public Policy committee last week there have been quite a few editorials expressing frustration with this decision. The Indianapolis Star continues to support making Indiana smokefree, here is an editorial they released last week: There is an especially good line at the end of the editorial; "They should remind their elected servants that, for 1,000 Hoosiers, there won't be a next year." There have also been a couple letters to the editor in the Star expressing frustration that Indiana is once again behind the rest of the nation in protecting it's workers from secondhand smoke. How much more proof do legislators need on smoking? Embarrassed to live in state that lacks smoke-free law For more editorials visit the Indiana Campaign for Smokefree Air website.

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