Friday, June 17, 2011

Statewide smokefree air law could save IN $74million

A new study releases by the American Cancer Society (ACS) this week estimates that Indiana could save $74million in reduced health care costs associated with smoking-related diseases. The study, "Saving Lives, Saving Money: A State-By-State Report on the Health and Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Smoke-Free Laws" focused on the 27 states without current comprehensive smoke-free air laws and provides expanded estimates for "public health benefits and economic savings." The study also concludes that in addition to saving money in Indiana, a comprehensive statewide smoke-free air law could also result in 65,300 fewer adult smokers and keep 27,300 youths from picking up the habit.

ACS also released a study that examined the public health and economic benefits of increasing cigarette taxes by $1 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The study estimated that if Indiana were to do this smoking-related deaths would decrease by 41,400 in five years. In addition to this the state would bring in an additional $280 million in tax revenue.

Check out the great article and op-ed in the Indy Star on these reports.